With over 50 products and 2 billion installs worldwide, AIBY is at the forefront of mobile-first product development with a focus on AI technology. Innovation and team spirit are the backbones of our company, and thanks to them, we are proud of titles like ChatOn, iScanner, ARTA, Writely, Solvo, Forma, OnSkin, and Plantum. At AIBY, you can enjoy the work you do while helping millions of people.

We have ambitious plans, that’s why we are looking for a Legal Assistant to join our team.

Legal Assistant

What you will do:

  • Performing standard paralegal duties, including providing support to lawyers in their daily work.
  • Maintaining and updating internal registers of documents and events.
  • Collecting and updating information on contract changes.
  • Organizing and managing legal documentation to meet the departments needs.
  • Preparation and verification of contracts and related documents (initial document processing).
  • Carrying out other tasks assigned by the legal department staff.
  • Help to store and organize corporate documents.

What you should have:

  • Proficiency in English.
  • Minimum 2 years experience in similar position.
  • Excellent organizational, communications and interpersonal skills, as well as strong attention to detail and accuracy.
  • Legal background.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Proficiency in Polish or Russian language.
  • Experience with Google Workspace.
  • Fast learner in usage of electronic corporate systems.

What we offer:

  • Friendly and supportive team of professionals
  • Opportunity to work remotely
  • Medical insurance
  • English courses
  • Sports reimbursement program
  • Compensation for psychological counseling
  • Reimbursement of professional courses and trainings
  • Variety of corporate events and team-building activities
  • Paid vacations, sick days, and other benefits

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